Online KNX courses

Our online training centre starts here! We have created courses to build strength for the KNX community. They consist of many different topics, and we continue to expand on these.

Upon finishing our course, you will be gifted with a certificate.

Keep an eye as we expand our online course starting with the basics all the way to advanced.

You will need to log in / register to view the courses, login below or head to the account page.

Certified KNX courses

We run in-person certified training courses. These courses are designed by the KNX association and Knxtra to certify you as a KNX professional. These courses hold a wealth of knowledge and come with many advantages including an industry recognized KNX certificate, discounts on software licenses, KNX training documents to keep and refer back to, and of course, the ongoing support from Knxtra Ltd. Contact us for more information.

Course Dates:

  • KNX Basic Course. 18th – 24th of March
  • Knxtra HVAC Course. Dates TBC